ライブ予約-Ticket reservATION


▶︎Vincent Herring-Eric Alexander The Batlle Tour 2025 Live At “D-Bop”Jazz Club Sapporo」予約申し込みについて




■2025/07/12 sat[入替制] 

① OPEN16:00/STRAT17:00 

② OPEN19:00/START20:00

■2025/07/13 sun[入替制]

③ OPEN16:00/STRAT17:00 

④ OPEN19:00/START20:00










メモ: * は入力必須項目です


“D-Bop”Jazz Club Sapporo terms of service[ご利用規約]











・ライブ当日のネット予約は確認の都合上受け付けておりません。当日受付はライブチャージ又はチケット代金に500円上乗せとなります。お問い合わせはお電話 011-613-3999 にて賜ります(PM13:00-16:00)。※ライブ中、リハーサル中は対応できない場合もあります。











運営会社:株式会社 日本リサーチサービス

店舗名:“D-Bop”Jazz Club Sapporo[ディーバップジャズクラブサッポロ]


▽Reservations and “D-Bop”Jazz Club Sapporo use only


・If you are under 18 years old, you must be accompanied by an adult.

・Drinking and smoking are prohibited by law for those under 20 years of age. If a minor is drinking or smoking inside the store, we will immediately report it to the police.

・We cannot provide alcoholic beverages to customers arriving by car.

・ Users, including performers, are prohibited from eating or drinking on stage. Please do not place drinks etc. on the equipment during live sessions etc. If we do so, we will ask you to reimburse us for the equipment.

・Preschool children are basically prohibited from entering the store. For children of elementary school age and older, seats will be reserved for the regular music fee (there is no child fee as the seats will be used in the same way as adults).Please note that if you are causing a nuisance to other customers, please leave the venue. Please note that we may ask you to do so.


・Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire building, including the store and common areas of the building. If you wish to smoke, please do so outside the building premises. If we are found to be violating moral standards such as dropping cigarette ash or littering without using an ashtray outside the store, we will refuse future entry.

・For reservations made over the phone, if you wish to change the number of people or cancel, please be sure to notify us at least 3 business days in advance. We cannot accept changes to the number of people on the day. Please note that you will be charged a fee for the number of people making the reservation. Please also note that if you repeatedly cancel without contacting us, we will not be able to accept future reservations.

・Please note that for reservations for live performances that are clearly marked as live performances with a charge of more than 4,000 yen, ticket sales live performances, or limited-seating live performances, if you cancel due to personal reasons, you will be charged the ticket price.

・Please note that for reservations for live performances that are clearly marked as live performances with a charge of more than 4,000 yen, ticket sales live performances, or limited-seating live performances, if you cancel due to personal reasons, you will be charged the ticket price.


・Please note that some of the performers and performance details may change due to circumstances. We cannot compensate for travel expenses and other expenses in the event that a performance is canceled or postponed.

・For convenience of confirmation, we do not accept online reservations on the day of the live performance. For same-day tickets, there will be a live charge or an additional 500 yen added to the ticket price. For inquiries, please call 011-613-3999 (PM 13:00-18:00). *We may not be able to respond during live performances or rehearsals.

・Sold-out and sold-out tickets will be announced on the Sapporo “D-BOP” JAZZ CLUB official website, Facebook, Twitter, etc., but please note that there may be delays due to updates, etc. We cannot provide compensation if you are unable to make a reservation due to miscommunication.


・Please note that we cannot accept compensation for damages related to reservations if the reservation form submission does not work properly due to problems with the internet environment such as the server. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 days, please make the reservation again. In particular, it seems that some people who registered for reservations using gmail may not receive a reply due to system issues, so please use an email address other than free email if possible.

・If you do not follow the staff's instructions and precautions in the store, you will be refused entry regardless of the reason. You may also be asked to leave the store midway through. In this case, entrance fees and food and beverage fees will not be refunded. In addition, our store will not be held responsible for any accidents that occur in the store due to failure to follow staff instructions and precautions.


・Unless you have permission, recording, recording, or filming inside the store is strictly prohibited. We also refuse to bring in any equipment used for these purposes. It is also prohibited to bring in alcoholic beverages, food and drink, and dangerous goods.

・Resale of tickets or reservation rights is prohibited under any circumstances (except with the consent of the store). Resold tickets and reservation rights will be invalidated and you may be refused entry. Furthermore, we are not responsible for any troubles caused by resold tickets or reservation rights. *When entering the store, we may ask you to confirm your identity and age.


・Based on the "Sapporo City Ordinance for the Promotion of Elimination of Organized Crime Groups," we strictly prohibit entry to the store by persons belonging to organized crime groups, anti-social forces, or similar groups. In addition, if we judge that other guests are a nuisance due to drunkenness or rough behavior towards staff, etc., we will notify the Hokkaido Police Central Police Station and be prohibited from entering or leaving the venue. The same applies to those who engage in behavior similar to monster complaints, such as posting slanderous comments about our store on social media in an overbearing manner, and will be immediately sent off and will be asked to leave the venue for any reason at the discretion of our staff. You will be prohibited from entering or exiting. In addition, we may file a damage report or file a criminal complaint for criminal cases such as intimidation or forcible obstruction of business. In that case, there will be no refunds for food and drink costs, live charges, etc.


・If a serious problem arises between us and a customer regarding ticket purchases, live reservations, or customer service, we will consult with our legal advisor and resolve the matter, and in the event of a dispute, the Sapporo District Court will have jurisdiction. .


・When answering the phone or having a conversation with a customer, we may record the entire conversation in order to accurately understand the content of reservations, opinions, inquiries, etc., and to improve future services.


Sapporo Lawyers Cooperative Special Agent

Operating company: Japan Research Service Co., Ltd.

 “D-Bop” Jazz Club Sapporo